Legal Notices
Generali U.S. Branch (Generali) is the U.S. representative office of Assicurazioni Generali, S.p.A. and is located in New York, NY (NAIC # 11231) and operates under the following names: Generali Assicurazioni Generali S.P.A. (U.S. Branch) in California, Assicurazioni Generali – U.S. Branch in Colorado, Generali U.S. Branch DBA The General Insurance Company of Trieste & Venice in Oregon, and The General Insurance Company of Trieste and Venice – U.S. Branch in Virginia. Generali is admitted or licensed to do business in all states and the District of Columbia.
Inquiries as to insurance or other products or services should be directed to an insurance agent or broker licensed to conduct business in the relevant U.S. state. Please contact a licensed agent or broker for additional information about an insurer’s ability to do business in any of the U.S. states or territories.
This notice provides general information on Generali’s products and services only. The information contained herein is not part of an insurance policy and may not be used to modify any insurance policy that might be issued. In the event the actual policy forms are inconsistent with any information provided herein, the language of the policy forms shall govern.